My Top Ten Films of 2012


So please forgive me for being a few days late with my top ten films of last year but I was too weighed down with food and alcohol to get to my laptop for a few days! And besides, there were a few last minute films I had to watch lest they get missed out of the running!

It really goes without saying that this list only includes films that I personally have seen and that were screened from the 1st Jan in the UK. Also due to my constant frustration with my local Odeon, there were many foreign and indie films which i’m sure would belong on a list of best films but that I haven’t had the luxury of seeing! Notable films include, Beasts of the Southern Wild which looked stunning, as well as Amour, The Raid and Holy Motors.

So lets crack on shall we?

Here is the list, more or less in order but it was a tricky decision and i’m bound to wish I’d changed the order round within minutes of posting! The films I have written reviews for have links provided should you want to take a look!

10. The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel

9. Young Adult

8. Looper

7. Skyfall

6. Your Sister’s Sister

5. Avengers Assemble

4. Moonrise Kingdom

3. Safety Not Guaranteed

2. Silver Linings Playbook

1. The Artist


So there you have it. The Artist was just such a refreshing delight and I thought it was so bold to make a black and white silent film in 2012 and the loving tributes to the days of classic cinema and the silent era were so charmingly executed.

Let me know your top films of last year and which films you are most looking forward to in 2013!

One Response to “My Top Ten Films of 2012”
  1. Silverhawk says:

    My list would look more like this 😛 (I feel kinda movie shallow cause I don’t go for the uber artistic ones … i tend to get bored by drama’s unless I’m really in the mood for ’em … which is rare).

    1.Avengers Assemble
    3.Dark Knight Rises
    4.Hamilton – I nasjonens interesse
    6.Pitch Perfect
    7.The Amazing Spider-Man
    8.The Expatriate
    10.The Hunter

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